In the event that you become disabled and unable to work. You need a way to bring in that lost income so that you can continue to pay your bills and take care of your family. This is known as disability income insurance, and you may already have some form of this coverage included as part of your benefits at work. Unfortunately, if you are relying on this coverage to get you through a serious disability, you may find yourself out of luck.
A disability income policy is designed to pay your salary when you are unable to work, and a private policy almost always provides better and more comprehensive coverage than those provided by employers. In many cases, employer provided policies give you only a certain percentage of your salary and last for a limited period of time.
While a private policy will also have limitations, you are free to choose the policy that provides you with the best level of coverage possible and the most peace of mind. You can also extend your benefits beyond the employer-provided policy and ensure that you can get the longest possible time to recover and get back on your feet. The monthly premiums on a private policy are well worth the peace of mind.
Choosing the right type of disability income policy can be complex, so take the time to sit down with one of our Insurance Advisors to discuss the best option for your situation.